Painting with passion and purpose
About Project
CEEP has established mural projects in various places. These places include schools in Gauteng, Early Childhood Educational Centers, hospitals and Clinics. The murals in these places serve to educate children while they explore.
We want to replace out-of-date murals at the Choc Cancer Passage with warning signs which will help graduating staff to spread the word and help other medical staff to recognise cancer in young patients.
CEEP has also been asked to paint murals in the Antenatal Clinic. Educational murals will allow for talks to be given to patients while they wait to see a medical personal. An existing example of this is a mural of how to take care of yourself when you are expecting a baby as well as reinforcing the concept that breast feeding is best. For more information, contact
Empowering learners through interactive maths resources; reading and community mural project.
About Project
The purpose of the project is to empower children and teachers in poorly resourced and underserved schools through interactive math resources and community mural projects, aiming to improve math education & reading in early childhood.
The target for this project is mainly children in poorly resourced schools; teachers and educators; local communities and families.
Funding is needed to make, install and monitor the implementation of the materials. For more information contact or donate into our payfast account.
About Project
CEEP is doing a pilot reading project at the Orthandweni Youth Care Centre. CEEP is working with a group of volunteers from Standard Bank.
The first phase involved removing damaged and old books from the library. The second phase is going brining in other NGO to improve reading at the centre.
Volunteers are going to be assisting with the reading program. The pilot is going to be a three month pilot if all goes well we will try and will continue for the rest of the year
About Project
CEEP has being involved with maths education for a while. CEEP wants to bring in a structured project that is done over a long period of time to see what impact we can have. Last year in October, we posted about a need for volunteers. We started clearing out the library of old and outdated books. This year, a few volunteers assisted with reading, numeracy and basic educational skills.
Phineas (the manager of the Othandweni Home), asked us to assist with reading and math as a lot of children still battle with these. The home has 100 children and not enough help to assist with this need.
CEEP plans to use some of the LINK Literacy Project materials for the Home.
The Link has language, maths materials, a structured programme with assessments and graded readers. This needs to be done on an ongoing basis to meet the children’s educational needs.
We are looking for five groups of seven volunteers to commit one Saturday morning a month for three months. The hours will be from 10 till 12 to do reading, maths and games. For more information, contact